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RigExpert Stick XPRO da 0.1 a 1000 mhz
487,00 €
Frequency entry
- 1 kHz
Frequency range
- 0.1 to 1000 MHz
Measurement for systems
- 12.5, 25, 28, 37, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 450, 600 Ohm
SWR measurement range
- 1 to 10 in chart modes
- 1 to 100 in numerical modes
R and X range
- 0… 10000, -10000… 10000
- Specifications are subject to change without notice
- Мade in Ukraine
Display modes
- HAM (a quick check of single band antenna)
- Multé (a quick check of multiband antennas)
- OSL calibration mode
- R, X chart
- Return loss chart
- Single (measure SWR, |Z|, R, X, C, L, RL, Mag&Phase)
- SWR chart
- TDR (distance to fault)
- Сable tools (StubTuner, Cable Length, Impedance, Loss measurements)
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