Cavetto di collegamento per LDG AT100 AT200 AT1000 e Z 100PLUS per apparati YAESU
Y-ACC. 14" cable interface between select Yaesu radios and LDG Generic tuners. Does not supply DC to tuner.
FT-857, FT-897, FT-100 series (including "D" models), FT-991 (including A), and FT-891.
Pressing the tune button on the tuner changes the mode of the radio to CW (mode change does not appear on some radio display), tunes, then returns the radio to the previous mode. The RF power is lowered while the tuner is tuning. There is no need to change RF power settings before or after tuning.
For FT-991(A), set menu item 143 (Tuner Select) to LAMP (for Linear Amp). For FT-891 set menu item 16-15 (Tuner Select) to LAMP. For both use the ALC/REM jack (red end to radio).